Problems & Puzzles: Puzzles

Problem 73. Minimal symmetric tuples from consecutive twin primes...

Natalia Makarova sent the following interesting puzzle;


the tuples from k consecutive twin primes

p1, p1 + 2, p2, p2 + 2, ..., pk-1, pk-1 + 2, pk, pk + 2

is symmetric if the following condition is satisfied

p1 + pk + 2 = p1 + 2 + pk = p2 + pk-1 + 2 = p2 + 2 + pk-1 = ...


Diameter of tuple is the quantity d = pk + 2 - p1.


We will consider minimal symmetric tuples from k consecutive twin primes with minimal diameter.




k = 2

5, 7, 11, 13

We will write it down briefly
5: 0 2 6 8
d = 8

0 2 6 8 is the pattern of tuple.


k = 3

5: 0 2 6 8 12 14

d = 14


k = 4

663569: 0 2 12 14 18 20 30 32

d = 32


*k = 5

39713433671: 0 2 6 8 18 20 30 32 36 38

d = 38

**k = 6

5008751356547: 0 2 12 14 24 26 30 32 42 44 54 56

d = 56

*k = 7

2485390773085247: 0 2 24 26 30 32 42 44 54 56 60 62 84 86

d = 86


I found theoretical patterns for k = 8–13.

k = 8

0 2 30 32 42 44 54 56 60 62 72 74 84 86 114 116

d = 116

k = 9

0 2 18 20 30 32 42 44 60 62 78 80 90 92 102 104 120 122

d = 122

k = 10

0 2 12 14 30 32 42 44 54 56 90 92 102 104 114 116 132 134 144 146

0 2 12 14 42 44 54 56 60 62 84 86 90 92 102 104 132 134 144 146

d = 146

k = 11

0 2 12 14 30 32 42 44 54 56 72 74 90 92 102 104 114 116 132 134 144 146

d = 146

k = 12

0 2 30 32 42 44 60 62 72 74 84 86 120 122 132 134 144 146 162 164 174 176 204 206

d = 206

k = 13

0 2 6 8 36 38 48 50 66 68 78 80 108 110 138 140 150 152 168 170 180 182 210 212 216 218

0 2 6 8 36 38 48 50 66 68 90 92 108 110 126 128 150 152 168 170 180 182 210 212 216 218

0 2 6 8 36 38 66 68 78 80 90 92 108 110 126 128 138 140 150 152 180 182 210 212 216 218

0 2 36 38 48 50 66 68 78 80 90 92 108 110 126 128 138 140 150 152 168 170 180 182 216 218

d = 218


Q. find minimal symmetric tuples from k consecutive twin primes with minimal diameter for k > 7.



* The solution found in T. Brada Experimental Grid BOINC project


** The solution contained in the OEIS sequence


Jan van Delden wrote on March 27, 2020:

I’m busy with this problem. Currently testing k=8 and k=12.

I wrote a routine to compute the associated Hardy Littlewood constants.


This routine broke down at k=3, for a good reason.


The displayed solution:

k = 3

5: 0 2 6 8 12 14

d = 14


Is fine. However the pattern [0,2,6,8,12,14] is not in general! The displayed pattern only works with p=5.
If p>5 then all residues modulo 5 are taken: [0,2,1,3,2,4] and we can’t choose p. (Except 5 that is).


On March 28, 2020, Natalia Makarova wrote:

In the problem trivial solutions are not prohibited.

I present minimal non-trivial solution for k = 3 with a general pattern

4217: 0 2 12 14 24 26



Jan van Delden wrote on April 9, 2020

My thoughts regarding this problem can be summarized by one sentence: Finding these solutions takes time.
See attachment for a more elaborate answer.



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