Problems & Puzzles: Conjectures

1.- Goldbach's Conjecture

2.- Chen's Conjecture

3.- Twin Prime's Conjecture

4.- Fermat primes are finite

5.- Are there infinitely many primes of the form n2+1?

6.- Quantity of primes in a given range: Opperman, Brocard & Schinzel conjectures?

7.- The Cramer's Conjecture

8.- Andrica’s Conjecture

9.- Shank's Conjecture

10.- Champions and Primorial Numbers

11.- Is there any odd Perfect Number ?

12.- Selfridge challenge

13.- Sierpinski numbers 

14.- Enoch Haga Observation about Palprimes  

15.- The New Mersenne Conjecture

16.- n^n+1

17.- The Ludovicus conjecture about Euler trinomials  

18.- Minimal primorial partitions (a conjecture by John Harvester)

19.  A bound to the largest prime factor of certain Carmichael numbers

20. The first N natural numbers listed in an order such that the sum of each two adjacent of them is a prime number, and the Rivera's Algorithm

21. Rivera's Conjectures about the representation of every natural number as an algebraic sum of distinct consecutive prime numbers.

22. A stronger version of the Goldbach Conjecture 

23. The Shyam's conjecture about the Rare Numbers

24. Paul Underwood's conjecture  

25. sopf(n) = sopf(n+k)  

26. The Calendar-like square Conjecture

27. A Charles Ashbacher Conjecture

28. Frank Buss's Conjecture

29. The Frank Buss's  B(n) function

30. The Firoozbakht Conjecture

31. The Fermat-Catalan & Beal's Conjectures

32. The ABC Conjecture

33. The Goldbach Temptation

34. n & n2, Triangular Numbers

35. The Firoozbakht functions

36. The Sinisalo-Ludovicus Conjecture

37. The Tutescu's Conjecture

38. Adrian Stoica’s Conjecture

39. Ingala's Conjecture

40. Karama's Conjecture

41. Pe's Conjecture

42. Severini's conjecture

43. Three consecutive primes

44. A property of prime twins, only?

45. Even numbers as sum of 4 twin primes.

46. P-Q=R-S

47. P=2P1 + 3P2

48. P=A+/-B

49. n = pq + rs

50. n = pq - rs

51 : Two approximate relationships about prime numbers

52 : SMR Conjecture about consecutive primes

53. Floor function & consecutive primes

54. Reversible primes conjeture

55. n = m^2 + p + d

56. One  more SMR conjecture.

57. |P(i-1)-2P(i)+P(i+1)|  

58. Primes m^2+1

59. n!+p(n)=m^k

60. Generalization of Legendre's Conjecture


62. Generalization of Bertrand's Postulate

63. Consecutive primes sum to a perfect power.


65. Non-Euclidean primes

66. Gaps between consecutive twin pairs

67. primes & e

68. Based on an Euler's Conjecture

69. A Conjecture & proposed Axiom

70. n & n+1 primitive roots

71. Twin primes and π.

72. Counting twin primes.

73. Counting primes by the last significant digit.

74. What is true assuming valid this...

75. Sebastian's formula for a special case of the Carmichael function.

76. Conjectures related to sequence (P[n])^(1/n)

77. Gaps between primes of the form p=qn+r

78. Pn^((Pn+1/Pn)^n)<=n^Pn

79. Rodolfo Kurchan's Conjecture

80. Why 25?

81.  For all primes p, there is at least one k | that p^k = p&y&p?

82.  Average of log Dn / log(logPn) equal R = 0,877 08...

83.  Two conjectures about primes

84.  Conjecture related to primes in A.P.

85.  Conjectures stricter that the Goldbach ones

86.  The Majid's Conjecture

87.  A partition of the first 2n+1 primes

88. Special Goldbach Partitions

89.  Limit of R = AVSQr / SQRT[log(AV)] equal 1

90.  Semiprimes/Primes ->log(2)

91. A conjecture about strong primes

92. For any integer m there is at least one set of consecutive primes...

93. Related to A103514

94. Follow-up Conjecture 29

95. Pascal triangle (2,1), two Conjectures

96. OEIS A360827

97. Another conjecture related to Mersenne primes

98. Using AI to solve some Conjectures.

99. Conjecture related to A362910.

100.  Rn = An / Gn

101.  Conjecture related to A108309

102.  Conjecture related to A359387

103.  (6*prime(n)-1)/n

104. R. Farhadian's Conjecture


106. Conjecture about gaps between consecutive primes.

107. The  Shyam's conjecture about square-free triangular numbers

108. On the counting function of semiprimes


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