The Puzzlers

I was born in 1962 in Isfahan, Iran. Since I was seventeen, because of my deep affection for the animals, I became a vegetarian.

After graduating from high-school, I went to the University of Isfahan to continue my studies in pharmacology which is one of the most favored disciplines in Iran. But, since I was very fond of mathematics, especially number theory, I changed my major to mathematics in the third year and I became graduated in 1987.

Afterwards, I went to Isfahan University of Technology to continue my postgraduate studies in mathematics.

Since 1992, I have been instructing mathematics at the Iranian universities and currently I am teaching at the University of Isfahan.

I have done research in number theory and I have been able to find beautiful and interesting relations. My favorite field is “The Gap between Prime Numbers.”

Conjecture No. 30, came to mind in 1982, while I was studying the proof of the “Prime Number Theorem”. I think that the conjecture is the most important conjecture related to prime numbers, it shows one of the most interesting and beautiful behaviors of the prime numbers and I believe working on this conjecture could guide us to important results in number theory.

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January 10, 2020

On Dec 26, 2019 I received an email from an unknown person, with a single row: "Unfortunately Farideh Firoozbakht passed away 2 days ago".

The sad new has been confirmed by an old & best friend of Farideh, Ms. Amineh Farzannia, visiting assistant professor at the Dominican University, River Forest campus.

Ms. Farzannia is trying  now to produce and/or get a link to a public page confirming this new, not written in Farsi.

I also was told by Fred Schneider that -written in Farsi- the new about the decease of Farideh Firoozbakht is given here.

Using the Google translator from Persian to English, I got this:

"Dear researcher and teacher, Farideh Firouzbakht dies Greetings

The Lack of a Fellow Researcher and Teacher in Theory of Mathematics at Isfahan House of Mathematics, the prolific flower of the world of science and love who switched from medicine to mathematics and devoted his entire life to teaching and research, the late memory of Farideh Firouzbakht on all science friends and promoters of science. Condolences."

In any case, we deplore the decease of Farideh, by many years a good friend and great participant of this site. See our page "Puzzlers stats".

She is the author of the well known Firoozbkht's Conjecture.

Farideh Firoozbakht wrote several important papers, including a joint study with Maximilian F. Hasler entitled "Variations on Euclid's Formula for Perfect Numbers"  

Last, I'll be glad to add here more personal and technical comments related to Farideh Firoozbakht, that could be sent by her friends and collaborators.
