Puzzlers Statistics
by Puzzlers &
by Country

Quantity of mentions by puzzler in the site
The Prime, Problems and Puzzles Connection
    Edited on May 1, 2021  
# Name Frequency (using GAS*) Country
1 Andersen,  J. K. 498 Denmark
2 Firoozbakht,  Farideh 485 Iran
3 Vantieghem,  Emmanuel 412 Belgium
4 Resta,  Giovanni 359 Italy
5 Delden,  Jan van 349 Netherlands
6 Rivera,  Carlos 330 México
7 Pebody,  Luke 173 England
8 Wroblewski,  Jaroslaw   167 Poland
9 Rosa,  Jean-Claude 161 France
10 McCranie,  Jud 155 USA
11 Haga,  Enoch 137 USA
12 Bergot,  JM 134 Canada
13 Rodriguez,  Luis 133 Venezuela
14 Martín,  Sebastián 127 Spain
15 Capelle,  Patrick 126 Belgium
16 Vrba,  Anton 122 Austria
17 Tramu,  Jacques 120 France
18 Schneider,  Frederick 119 USA
19 Heleen,  Jeff 115 Not given
20 Gupta,  Shyam Sunder 107 India
21 Meller, Claudio 105 Argentina
22 Meyrignac,  Jean-Charles 105 France
23 Seiji, Tomita 102 Japan
24 Brier,  Eric 101 France
25 Brette,  Jean 99 France
26 Wharf,  Jon 98 England
27 Nash,  Chris 97 England
28 Honaker Jr.,  Garland Lee 96 USA
29 Opao,  Ray G. 95 Phillipines
30 De Geest,  Patrick 93 Belgium
31 Alm,  Torbjörn 93 Not given
32 Noe,  T. D. 90 USA
33 Boyer,  Christian 89 France
34 Clark,  W. Edwin 85 USA
35 Russo,  Felice 84 Italy
36 Sahay,  Anurag 80 India
37 Weisstein,  Eric 79 USA
38 Carmody,  Phil 74 Not given
39 Roonguthai,  Warut 74 Not given
40 Pe,  Joseph L. 68 USA
41 Kamenetsky,  Dmitry 68 Australia
42 Cleary, Paul 67 England
43 Uk,  Jo Yeong 65 Korea
44 Sloane,  Neil 65 USA
45 Summakoğlu, Hakan 65 Not given
46 Keith,  Mike 64 USA
47 Thomas,  James 63 England
48 Gallot,  Yves 63 France
49 Colin,  Jean-Christophe 63 France
50 Bold,  Vic 62 Not given
51 Gusev,  Gennady 61 Russia
52 Makarova,  Natalia 60 Russia
53 Knjzek,  Rudolph 59 Austria
54 Baumann,  T. W. A. 59 Germany
55 Qu Shun Liang,  59 China
56 Verroken,  Antoine 58 Belgium
57 Rubin,  Frank 54 USA
58 Howell,  Jim 53 USA
59 Formusa, Pierandrea 53 Italy
60 Wilke,  Ken 52 USA
61 Dima,  Dan 50 Romania
62 Ayala,  Jaime 50 México
63 Whiteside,  Wilfred 49 USA
64 Fougeron,  Jim 47 USA
65 Lian,  Farid 47 Not given
66 Rupinski,  Andrew 46 USA
67 Heinz,  Harvey 46 Canada
68 Jobling,  Paul 45 England
69 Izquierdo,  Vicente Felipe 45 Spain
70 Gronau,  Daniel 44 Germany
71 Miller,  John L. 43 Not given
72 Bell,  Michael 43 USA
73 Murphy, Bill 42 USA
74 Oakes,  Mike 41 Not given
75 Wolf,  Marek 40 Poland
76 Boncompagni,  Bernardo 39 Italy
77 Hürter,  Michael 39 Germany
78 Crump,  Joe 39 USA
79 Wesolowski,  Arkadiusz 39 Poland
80 Cavegn, Simon 39 Switzerland
81 Devesh,  Abhiram R. 38 India
82 Terr,  David 38 USA
83 Wiesenbauer,  Johann 37 Austria
84 Sand,  Werner D. 33 Germany
85 Brennen,  Jack 27 USA
86 Blanchette,  Gilles 26 Not given
87 Sudipta,  Das 25 India
88 Arioni,  Jhon 25 Scotland
89 Kurchan,  Rodolfo M. 23 Argentina
90 Schein,  Igor 22 Ukraine
91 Schalekamp,  Fred 21 Netherlands
92 Torasso,  Flavio 21 Italy
93 Mosconi,  Tiziano 21 Italy
94 Underwood,  Paul 20 England
95 Morales,  Fausto 18 Spain
96 Bailey,  Ryan 16 USA
97 Perry,  Jon 16 England
98 Pinch,  Richard 16 England
99 Schmidt,  Paul 16 USA
100 Lava, Paolo P. 16 Italy
101 Aidi,  Said el 15 Morocco
102 Gascoigne,  Stuart 10 England
103 Alekseyev,  Max 9 Not given
104 Ballinger,  Ray 9 USA
105 Hernandez,  Alberto 9 México
106 Mohr,  Rober D. 9 USA
107 Ingala,  Salvatore 9 Sicily
108 Kourbatov,  Alexei 9 Russia
109 Earls,  Jason 8 USA
110 Bowers Jr.,  Rickey 8 USA
111 David Aznar,  Ramón 8 Spain
112 Seidov, Zak 8 Russia
113 Camacho, José de J 8 México
114 AlDamen,  Murad 7 Palestine
115 Danilov,  Vasily 7 Russia
116 Durman,  Leonid 7 Russia
117 Farhadian,  Reza 7 Iran
118 Gunter,  Hans 7 Germany
119 Nachev,  Radko   7 Bulgaria
120 Nomoto,  Noahiro 7 Japan
121 Poletti,  Luca 7 Italy
122 Sondow,  Jonathan 7 USA
123 Daddario,  Giuliano 7 Italy
124 Gobbo,  Franck 7 France
125 Bowker,  John 6 Australia
126 Buss,  Frank 6 Germany
127 Davis,  Ken 6 Australia
128 Falcó Benavent,  Javier 6 Spain
129 Ghaffor,  Islem 6 Algeria
130 Karama,  Muneer Jebreel 6 Palestine
131 Meisami,  Mahdi 6 Iran
132 Papadimitriou,  Vassilis 6 Greece
133 Patarot,  Alexandre 6 France
134 Recaman Santos,  Bernardo 6 Colombia
135 Robertson,  Douglas S. 6 USA
136 Schneider,  Walter 6 Germany
137 Harvester,  John 6 England
138 Leak,  Bernard 6 Not given
139 Spadaro,  Santi 6 Italy
140 Chilali,  Mahmoud 6 Morocco
141 Tognon, Stefano 6 Italy
142 Aguilar,  Julio C. 5 México
143 Ashbacher,  Charles 5 Not given
144 Bakhtiari,  Alireza 5 Iran
145 Biszczuk,  Jaroslaw 5 Poland
146 Bonfield,  James 5 England
147 Clavier,  Christophe 5 France
148 Green,  Trevor 5 Not given
149 Johnson,  Stephen 5 USA
150 Johnston,  Craig 5 Australia
151 Marcos,  Maria 5 Phillipines
152 Masser,  Thomas 5 USA
153 Paulsen,  William 5 USA
154 Poplin,  Phillip 5 Not given
155 DeVries,  Denis 5 USA
156 DeGroote,  Gérald 4 France
157 Huen Yeong Kong,  4 Singapore
158 Zelaya,  Alberto   4 Argentina
159 Bergeron,  Francois 4 Canada
160 Bukh,  Boris 4 Russia
161 Chirkov,  Vadimir 4 Russia
162 Das,  Suman 4 India
163 Devlin,  Patrick 4 England
164 Grimaud,  Philippe 4 France
165 Hilliard,  Cino 4 Italy
166 Kogel,  Pete 4 England
167 Lipp,  William 4 Not given
168 Mead,  Bob 4 USA
169 Morawetz,  Ernst 4 Germany
170 Oswald,  Marcus 4 Germany
171 Ravsky,  Alex 4 Ukraine
172 Reix, Tony 4 France
173 Severini,  Simone 4 Not given
174 Singh,  Gurmeet 4 India
175 Tyte,  Alan 4 England
176 Kelley,  Richard 4 USA
177 Ghroy,  Imran 3 England
178 Fengsui,  Liu 3 China
179 Kumar,  Gaurav 3 India
180 Inrandomtan, Leadhyena  2 USA
181 Johnson,  Gilbert T. 2 USA
182 Lavelle, James 2 USA


Puzzlers by Country

Total 181
Country Puzlers
USA 38
England 16
Not given 16
France 14
Italy 12
Germany 9
Russia 8
India 7
México 5
Spain 5
Australia 4
Belgium 4
Iran 4
Poland 4
Argentina 3
Austria 3
Canada 3
China 2
Japan 2
Morocco 2
Netherlands 2
Palestine 2
Phillipines 2
Ukraine 2
Algeria 1
Bulgaria 1
Colombia 1
Denmark 1
Greece 1
Korea 1
Romania 1
Scotland 1
Sicily 1
Singapore 1
Switzerland 1
Venezuela 1