Problems & Puzzles: Puzzles Puzzle 263. MagicAntiMagic Squares The past Monday, (April 5, 2004) Rodolfo Kurchan sent to me by email the following nice 5x5 antimagic square:
The stunning feature of this antimagic 5x5 square is that contains an embedded centered nut of a 3x3 magic square (numbers in red color); that is to say here we have a magic square inside an antimagic square! A beauty example of an object that contains within its contrary. Perhaps the beauty of kind of this objects is excuse enough in order to keep away the prime numbers for this puzzle.
_______ (*) It has been shown that no antimagic square of order less than 4 can exist; then, the minimal example of this kind of objects could be an magic square 6x6 containing a centered antimagic square 4x4. Solution: I feel my self really happy because the readers of my pages are more daring than I suppose. While I was thinking that this puzzle was hard enough in order to add the primality condition of the numbers used, J.C. Rosa got a solutions to Question 4 using only primes! Here is what he wrote:
*** J. C. Rosa added:
*** J. C. Rosa also contributes to Q1:
*** J. C. Rosa contribution to Q2 arrived the 12/6/04:
About the question 2 of the puzzle 263 I have found
many solutions. Here are only three examples
(the magic squares are in bold letters at the top left
corner )
a) with the numbers from 1 up to 25 :
2 21 13 19 5
23 12 1 18 7 11 3 22 10 20 15 4 25 9 17 16 24 8 6 14
Magic sum=36 . The sums of the antimagic 5x5 go
from 59 up to 70.
b) with 25 prime numbers (they are not consecutive
) :
17 89 71 109
113 59 5 53 103 47 29 101 7 157 37 3 151 137 19 131 163 11 31 13
Magic sum=117 . The sums of the antimagic
5x5 go from 327 up to 349 (step 2).
c) (the best till the end ! ) with 25
(moreover this example is a solution of the
question 2 of the puzzle 264 )
41 89 83
79 37
113 71 29 73 61 59 53 101 31 97 109 103 47 23 43 17 19 67 127 107
Magic sum=213 . The sums of the
antimagic 5x5 go from 325 up to 347 (step 2).
*** For the question 3, Rodolfo Kurchan wrote (Feb 18, 2005): In 2005 I found an antimagic 6x6 square that contains in the center a 4x4 magic square:
*** Anurag Sahay had previously sent (Jan 2005) the following solutions to Q3: