Problems & Puzzles: Puzzles

Puzzle 231. k-Persistent primes

A k-persistent number n, is such that all of the following numbers: n, 2.n, 3.n, ..., k.n contains all the digits from 0 to 9 (see 1)

Eric Weisstein shows 526315789473684210 as an example of a 18-persistent number. In the same article is said that:

There exists at least one k-persistent number for each positive integer k.”

Here we will ask for k-persistent primes.

As a matter of fact I have calculated the earliest of these for a few k values:

k p=prime Author
2 10123457689 CR
3 10512867493 CR
4 11267085493 CR
5 ? ?
6 ? ?
7 ? ?
8 ? ?
9 ? ?
10 ? ?


1. Can you complete the table above?

2. Is it true the following statement?

“There exists at least one k-persistent prime for each positive integer k.”

3. Do you devise a regular smart-approach in order to find a k-persistent prime for a given k value?




Adam Stinchcombe, Jim Fougeron, Luke Pebody and Gilles Blanchette sent contributions to this puzzle.

Adam Stinchcombe wrote for the questions 2 & 3:

Certainly, the k in k-persistent primes runs to infinity, that is, for arbitrarily large numbers K there is some p which is k-persistent with k>=K. If you take p large enough, say 30 or 100 digits or thereabouts, it is going to be almost impossible for p and its multiples not to be k-persistent for relatively large k values. E.g., I used Maple to get a random 12 digit number, cubed this to get a 36 digit number, took the next prime and then tested the k-persistence and quickly found 416420764462383215203462851467280961 to be 43-persistent.

Note in my claim, that k>=K. In fact, it might be hard to find some p value that is exactly K-persistent but NOT (K+1)-persistent for large K.

The search then becomes what is the smallest p value that gives a given k.


Jim Fougeron obtained the next entries for the Table, question 1:

5: 48657940213
6: 175647382901
7: 6440261849537
8: 6435409832617
(the only length 8 found so far).

Here are all of the length 7's I have found so far:


My method is very brute force.

1. generated a file of permutations of 0123456789. This file was trimmed to only store values if the last digit is 1,3,7 or 9

1a. All of these are divisible by 3, so there can be no 10 digit primes. (as was shown by the minimal 2-persistant being 11 digits)

2. read this file, and append a 1, 2, 3, ... 9 to each line. Slightly Trial factor these to 53, and output what was not factored out.

3. Run PFGW on this.

4. The PFGW.LOG results are the primes to start from (only PRP here, but I only cared about proving prime once I found deep enough k-Persistent.

5. Rerun these candidates, multiplied by 2 using pfgw -d -od -l (only outputs decimal expansion, and logs the results)

6. I created a "finder" program which found the resultant numbers which had all 10 needed digits. This was run on the pfgw.out file.

7. goto Step 5 with the resultant, but multiply by 3, 4, 5, 6 (no 6's found yet).

This is certainly not a very good way to proceed, but it does work. It could be extended, by changing step 2 to append 10, 11, 12, 13, ... 99 then 100, 101, 102, ... 999 etc, until the required k-persistent prime(s) are found.


Luke Pebody sent the following strategy, for the question 3:

Take an n-persistent number k.

Then find a prime of the form k*l (here * is concatenation) where l is a sequence of t-digits (possibly starting with a 0) such that nl<10^t. Then k*l=10^tk+l, and hence for 1<=i<=n, i(k*l)=10^t(ik)+il. Since il<10^t, all the digits of ik are digits of i(k*l), and hence k*l is n-persistent.


Gilles Blanchette  wrote for the question 2 & 3:

Question #2 and #3

Here is an algorithm that generate a k-persistent prime for a positive integer up to k

// Start with a pandigital prime number
// p = 10123456789
// [1]
// let m = 2
// [2]
// if m*p is pandigital
// m = m + 1
// elseif
// let c = the catenation of missing digit
// let t = 0
// while ( m do not divide c.t || ((c.t)/m).p is not prime || ((c.t)/m).p is not pandigital ) let t = t + 1
// let p = ((c.t)/m).p
// goto [1]
// endif
// if ( m <= k ) goto [2]
// p is a k-persistent prime

Note : a.b is catenation of number a and b.
Note : The while (...) t = t + 1 will not loop indefinitely, especially because there is infinite prime number ending with same digit as p.

Here is some kilo-persistent prime generated by an implementation slightly different from the algorithm.

k = 1485 --> 2902511412532342619044701292813017107352161725041764195705797485949876543201

k = 1747 --> 5022902511412532342619044701292813017107352161725041764195705797485949876543201

k = 1302 --> 253291602612432511430879554120442275104130070909568930570130485949876543021

k = 1487 --> 71841996227831827538516486910161635153401069558561312094152971023456789

k = 1485 --> 50620311533350132357510055408221582220301073013852065792275819641203456789

k = 1084 --> 9613412011013356332915450663013770120213025163520113698109062581941230456789

k = 5048 --> 4014130683952091511536094003195451109764411727213402060919322152601630451234056789

k = 1213 --> 189056174111492144775403011813423210204414116499130026049641234506789

k = 1550 --> 872189056174111492144775403011813423210204414116499130026049641234506789

k = 1636 --> 3979103316515292419613260110588511015017025034010572091041918064151234560789

k = 1521 --> 11873318548192835580355011768120262812301538441356115854152972345678901

k = 1060 --> 465213528414751273415776760141460163519650224935425290599819374567890123

k = 1646 --> 4800121226143752663735138701551730222201044321760810381964258901234567





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