Problems & Puzzles: Puzzles Puzzle 122. Consecutive Twin primes A natural and direct consequence of the Puzzle 121 is to ask by: 1) Chains of K Consecutive Twin
primes in A.P. K pairs of twins (p1, p1+2), (p2, p2+2), ....(pk, pk+2) are "consecutive" if there are are not prime numbers between p1 & pk+2 other than the corresponding to the twin primes inside the interval. Examples: a) The trio of twin primes {(4217,4219), (4229,4231), (4241, 4243)} are consecutive because there are only composite numbers between 4217& 4243 except those belonging to the shown twins. Additionally this trio is in A.P., step 12. b) The quartet if twin primes {(9419, 9421), (9431,9433), (9437,9439), (9461,9463)} are consecutive because there are only composite numbers between 9419 & 9463, except... But this quartet is not in A.P. The following two tables summarizes what I have found:
Question: Would you like to extend the Tables 1 & 2? Jud McCranie wrote (6/1/01): part 2 - no solutions < 100,000,000,000 for larger k" *** The first new & positive result became from Phil Carmody who found (7/1/01) the earlier chain of 5 consecutive twins in A.P. He also wrote "I've officially made this puzzle one of the test programs for the prime generator to be used in the forthcoming versions of PFGW (what was PrimeForm)" *** Phil Carmody also got (8/1/01) the first example of 8 twins just consecutive (See table above). He added this time "The total sieve has been exhaustive, from zero with no gaps, so nothing needs to be checked below my limit. I reached 1,138,166,333,443." *** Denis DeVries has the record (28/3/2002)!!!: 9 consecutive twins not in A.P.: 170669145704411 170669145704413 170669145704501 170669145704503 170669145704507 170669145704509 170669145704591 170669145704593 170669145704639 170669145704641 170669145704669 170669145704671 170669145704747 170669145704749 170669145704807 170669145704809 170669145704819 170669145704821 How he found them?
*** Nine months later Denis (24/12/2002) wrote again:
*** Gabor Levai found (July 2004) two more examples of 9 consecutive twins: I found 9 consecutive twins in the intervals 1) [4518517172328671,4518517172329009] 2) [1980326398382819,1980326398383373] ... Finally, on September 13, 2004 Gabor wrote:
Because of parallel computing on
different intervals currently I'm not sure The full interval is [ 1, 2^52 ], 10-18 computer work
with very different speed. *** On July 9, 2006, Gabor wrote:
*** Later on Feb. 07, Gabor wrote again:
*** On October 2011, Gabor wrote again:
*** On Nov 25, 2018 Gabor Levai sent -after my request- 310 sets of eight consecutive twin primes that might contain at least one octet uselful to get a magic square 4x4, as the asked in the Puzzle 931. Here are the sets sent by Gabor Levai. Thank you so much Mr. Levai! *** In Nov 30, 2018, after a new request by me, Gabor sent a larger list composed by a total of 1454 sets of 8 csc twin primes, including the 310 previously sent. See that new list here. ***