We define a floor exponent prime sequence (FEPS) to
be a sequence of primes of the form {p1, p2, ... ,
pr}, where pi =
for some t>2. For example, for t=1287/545, we get the sequence {2, 5, 13,
31, 73, 173, 409, 967} (see Crandall and Pomerance, "Prime
Numbers, a Computational Perspective" (2000), exercise 1.75, p.69).
Crandall and Pomerance ask whether any longer such sequences
exist, whether such a sequence can be infinite, and whether an infinite
number of such sequences of length 3 exist. In 1989, A. Balog
showed that there are infinitely many such sequences of length 2.
Recently I began to study this problem. After a few
days, I discovered a rather simple mechanical procedure for generating all
FEPS with base t up to a given bound. Let FEPS(t) denote the floor
exponent prime sequence with base t and let EFEPS(t) denote the sequence
augmented by one (composite) element. Thus, FEPS(2) = {2} and EFEPS(2) =
{2,4}. We proceed as follows: Call a base t a boundary value if t is
FEPS(t1) is different from FEPS(t) for all t1<t. Suppose t1 is a boundary
value. Given a FEPS(t1) = {p1, p2, ...,
pr, p(r+1)} where
pi =
Floor(ti) is prime for 1<=i<=r and
composite for r+1, compute the next boundary value t2 by computing the
minimum of (p_i+1)1/i and
NextPrime(p_(r+1))(1/(r+1)). For example, when t1=2, we have
EFEPS(t1)={2,4}, so t2 = min(3,sqrt(5)) = sqrt(5) and
FEPS(sqrt(5))={2,5,11} is the next FEPS and EFEPS(sqrt(5))={2,5,11,25}.
(We get 11 for free here since 11 < t23 = 5^(3/2)). We may continue in
this way to get all FEPS(t) in this way with t up to some bound X. I did
so during the past few days and was rather surprised by the results! It
didn't take long to discover the first FEPS of length 9, namely
198997, 2283583, 26205133, 300715537, 3450844193} (Sloan's sequence
A076255) and the first of length 10, namely FEPS(39661481813(1/10))={11,131,1511,17351,199151,2285711,26233621,301089179,3455668247,39661481813}
(Sloan's sequence A076357). Shortly thereafter I
discovered thousands more, most of them as long or longer than these! Thus
far, the longest such sequence I've found is:
which has length 100.
Based on numerical analysis of the FEPS I've
produced so far, I propose the following conjectures:
1. For a fixed positive
integer k, let πk(x) denote the number of FEPS with base t<=x. Then
πk(x) is asymptotic to 1/k! (x/log(x))k as x approaches infinity.
Note that for k=1, this reduces to the prime number theorem.
2. There are infinitely
many FEPS of length k for all k>1.
3. There are no infinite
4. Let
Π(x) denote the
total number of FEPS with t<x. Then log(Π(x)) is asymptotic to x/log(x)
as x approaches infinity.
5. For fixed x, the
distribution of lengths of FEPS is asymptotically Poissonian with mean
x/log(x) as x approaches infinity.