Problems & Puzzles: Puzzles

Puzzle 31.- The Average Prime number, APN(k) = S(Pk)/k

Let’s define the "average prime number" APN(k) as S(Pk)/k, where S(Pk) is the sum of the first k prime numbers.

It happens that this number very few times is an integer. I have calculated the first five times it does:

k P(k) S(pk) S(pk)/k
1 2 2 2
23 83 874 38
53 241 5830 110
853 6599 2615298 3066
11869 126551 712377380 60020

Can you get the following 3 cases ?

(see Puzzle 18 for similar questions about sum of consecutive primes)

Jo Yeong Uk (1/12/98) has found the following first three solutions to APN(k). Jack Brennen (21/05/99) found the fourth solution.

k Pk S(Pk) S(Pk)/k Author(s)
117267 154479 86810649294 740282 Jo Yeong Uk
339615 4864121 794712005370 2340038 Jo Yeong Uk
3600489 60686737 105784534314378 29380602 Jo Yeong Uk
96643287 1966194317 92542301212047102 957565746 Jack Brennen


Giovanni Resta wrote (Nov. 2004):

I found the following 2 new solutions.

i, pi, Si
2664167025, 63481708607, 82704567079549985700
43435512311, 1161468891953, 24733255676526572596026

No other solutions for pi < 4,011,201,392,413.


On July 5, 2023, Paul W. Dyson wrote:

Last year I ran a program for about a month and a half on a RTX3060Ti GPU to find the next solution for S(pk) % pk = 0. This is Puzzle 18 question 2 on your Prime Puzzles website. The next value is pk = 55,691,042,365,834,801. This sequence is OEIS A007506.
The code was also searching for the next solution of S(pk) % k = 0 (i.e. % k, rather than % pk). So I kept it running until I found a solution to that one too. After a total of about 5 and a half months it found k = 6,361,476,515,268,337. This sequence is OEIS A045345.

I kept looking for S(pk) % pk = 0 for the whole time, and found that the next solution must be greater than pk = 253,814,097,223,614,463.


I've just seen that S(pk) % k = 0 is Puzzle 31. So I have a solution to that puzzle as well.



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