Problems & Puzzles: Puzzles

Puzzle 7.- Palindrome - Primes: 2 questions:

  1. Patrick De Geest, observes that:

10499 + 10501 + 10513 = 31513

is the first case of a prime palindrome (31513) obtained adding three consecutive primes, the central one of them being a palindrome prime also (10501), and asks if this will ever happen again?

( )

  1. By my own I ask if exists any palindrome prime obtained adding the first k primes, that is to say:

What is the first k, such that:

Nk = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 +…..+ pk = Prime Palindrome?


Question b.

Jud McCranie sends his results on this problem : 

"One of your puzzles asks for the sum of the first k primes to be a palindromic prime. Except for the trivial solutions k=1, sum=2 and k=2, sum=5; there aren't any more for k <= 54,400,028 (Pk = 1073741989, sum Nk = 28422918403819825)" (9/July/98) 

Vasiliy Danilov sent us (Fri. 17 Jul. 1998) the following palindromes (not-primes) of his search for this puzzle : 

k             Pk            Sum k 
8              19              77 
7693       78347       285080582 
8510       87641       352888253 
12941     139241     854848458 
146134   1959253  137372273731 
637571   9564097  2939156519392 

Pk < 100000000 and program stopped. 

He also sent us some references at the Neil Sloane’s records (A038582 , A038584, A038583,) partially related with this puzzle. 
Judson McCranie adds this two lines (Jul/23/98) of palindromic not-primes, as a result of his search ... "I've now checked k through 105097565"

    k            Pk         Sum k (palindromic)

 27198825      516916921    6833383883833386
 53205635     1048924213   27155268786255172
So, it seems to me that the answer to this puzzle is "negative"...


Question a.

Almost five years later, Giovanni Resta came up with several (8) solutions, as the asked by Patrick

I have found some solutions to puzzle 7a (that is to find more examples like
10499 + _10501_ + 10513 = _31513_

where there are 3 consecutive primes, the middle one palindromic, whose sum is palindromic prime. Here they are (at least they are easier to check !)

324456535654403 + 324456535654423 + 324456535654553 =


326151616151597 + 326151616151623 + 326151616151659 =


332526262625197 + 332526262625233 + 332526262625369 =


11708180908180709 + 11708180908180711 + 11708180908180733 =


12829181718192793 + 12829181718192821 + 12829181718192869 =


12907072927070909 + 12907072927070921 + 12907072927070953 =


12918271817281913 + 12918271817281921 + 12918271817281949 =


32928090809082919 + 32928090809082923 + 32928090809082947 =



One week later J. K. Andersen came up with the following big solutions to question a), gotten with a clever approach (as usual):

Question a

I have found many big solutions with a pattern.

Let p be a palindrome where the first/last digit and all digits in even positions are in {0,1,2} and all other digits (odd internal positions) are in {7,8,9}. Then 3p+20 is also a palindrome. Some of Resta's solutions follow this pattern. My strategy: Generate such palindromes p and 3p+20. If both are prp then find the prp right before and after p. If they sum to 3p+20 then we have a probable solution and prove the 4 primes.

First a C program using Michael Scott's Miracl bigint library found the solutions with prp's. PrimeForm/GW double-checked that the 3 prp's are consecutive.

A 73-digit solution with middle palindromic prime:

p = 1070707070707070707070707071829182829282819281707070707070707070707070701

The solution equation is (p-52) + (p) + (p+72) = (3p+20)

= 3212121212121212121212121215487548487848457845121212121212121212121212123

The 4 primes were proved with Tony Forbes' VFYPR.

A 303-digit solution:

p = 10^302 + 10*(7*10^301-70)/99 + 10^140*22001012200100221010022 + 1 Let w be "0" followed by 69 concatenations of "70". Then p is the concatenation 1w92708082907170928080729w1 Solution equation: (p-138) + (p) + (p+158) = (3p+20) These 4 primes were proved with Marcel Martin's Primo.

After trying 25098 prp's as the middle palindrome I got this 527-digit


p = 10^526 + 10*(7*10^525-70)/99 + 10^251*2102210022021202200122012 + 1 Let w be "0" followed by 124 concatenations of "70". Then p is the concatenation 1w728092807290919092708290827w1 The equation is (p-180) + (p) + (p+200) = (3p+20), proved with Primo.

The complexity of my algorithm is around O(digits^5). I will not search a titanic solution. It is about 25 times harder than 527 digits and would probably take weeks.





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