Archive: September 2003
Week 21-26 Set., 2003 | Puzzle 235: Wilfred Whiteside, Faride Firoozbakht and Giovanni Resta. The later found the solution to the harder Question of this puzzle. Puzzle 234: Giovanni Resta solved a follow-up question from Faride Firoozbakht. Puzzle 233: Some curio appended by J. C. Rosa. Perhaps you'll find interesting the King Lloyd's Aha Puzzles page added to my Links page. | Posted on Saturday, September 27, 2003 | |
Week Set. 11-18, 2003 | Adam Stinchcombe and Faride Firoozbakht solved the puzzle 234.
Whilfred Whiteside sent an interesting link to the beauty Benkoski-Erdos work on Weird numbers (Puzzle 233) | Posted on Saturday, September 20, 2003 | |
Other news | 1) J. K. Andersen starts a new web-site in order to keep the k-CPAP records. See a link to it in my "Records" page. 2) Thomas Engelsma has a page related to the issue of the Problem 47, and an already solution for the Q.2 of this problem. 3) Tony Forbes announces a new record for the Cunningham chains of the first order. See my Problem 26. | Posted on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 | |
Week 5-11, Set., 2003 | Puzzle 233: Luke Pebody, Jud Mc Cranie, Faride Firoozbakht and Wilfred Whiteside | Posted on Saturday, September 13, 2003 | |
Week 29 August-Sept.4, 2003 | Puzzle 232: Adam Stinchcombe and Faride Firoozbakht sent some interesting polynomials related to the only question of this puzzle.
Sebastián Martín Ruiz found another interesting quadratic polynomial that matches to the Euler's one in certain aspects.
Rivera found three more quadratic polynomials as the SMR ones and rounded the issue in a report in the same page. | Posted on Saturday, September 6, 2003 | |