Archive: June 2003
Week 13-20 June | J. Wiesenbauer and J. K. Andersen found independently the 9th member of the sequence asked in Puzzle 221 | Posted on Saturday, June 21, 2003 | |
Contributions, Week 7-13 June. | Jason Earls, David Terr, Ken Wilke and J. K. Andersen solved the question 2 of the Puzzle 223. Andersen also solved the question 1.
J. K. Andersen sent a new solution to Puzzle 222.
Jon Perry proved the Tiziano's conjecture in Puzzle 142.
On request to several puzzlers (a hint to Puzzle 221.- What are the next?): The sequence can be defined this way: Starting with the minimal prime (2) add the earliest prime such that, in each step, there is not a subset of more than one member such that the sum of these members is prime.
| Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 | |
Contributions for the week 1-6 of June | The server was severe damaged a few days ago, so we were out of the web air from sunday to wednesday. Hopefully we lost no one single puzzle thanks to a home security copy that I save weekly. If you notice any other damage please let me know. Thanks for your patience.
Solvers of the Puzzle 222: Jim Fougeron, John Wiesenbauer & J. K. Andersen
J. K Andersen also has the record solutions for puzzle 20. You should take a look of these primes but, more, to his smart approach.
| Posted on Saturday, June 7, 2003 | |