Archive: February 2000
A new twin primes record | Jarai & Indlekofer did it again with the following twin primes record: 2409110779845.2^60000±1, digits= 18075
I should be happy but I'm not because it has just dropped my search for 2 years with an exponent below 60000...such is life... | Posted on Monday, February 28, 2000 | |
Puzzle 83, solved | Luis Rodríguez has solved entirely the puzzle 83 based in info. available in the Ribenboim's "The new book of prime number records", remaining only a computation question. | Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2000 | |
3 new puzzlers short bio's | We say Welcome! to our three new puzzlers: John L. Miller (Puzzle 68) Douglas S. Robertson (Puzzle 82) Alberto Zelaya (Puzzle 83)
| Posted on Friday, February 25, 2000 | |
Puzzle 68 & a 99x99 prime magic square | John L. Miller has found a 99x99 prime layered magic square breaking all the previous records for this kind of magic squares, using a code of his own that got these kind of monsters in only... 10 minutes... | Posted on Friday, February 25, 2000 | |
Felice Russo & Puzzle 81 | Felice Russo has found smaller pairs of Sophie Germain magic 3x3 squares, 1st & 2nd order. | Posted on Friday, February 25, 2000 | |
Conjecture 15, New Mersene Conjecture | Nuutti Kuosa (10/02/2000) verified that (2^1048573+1)/3 is composite using PRIMEFORM. | Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2000 | |
Problem 31, more results from Wilfrid Keller | Wilfrid Keller sent two more results for the table of the stepladder method that organize the search of the Alpha-Brier number | Posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 | |
Puzzle 73, interesting results from Felice Russo | Felice Russo sent interesitng results for the Puzzle 73 | Posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 | |
Problem 31, Chris Nash search | Chris Nash has tested the "incorrect" Graham solution using PRIMEFORM nevertheless without finding any prime up the 208288th member of this sequence, a number of 43563 digits. He has stopped this search the(12/02/2000)
| Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2000 | |
Conjecture 17, Chris Nash results | Chris Nash has solved (12/02/2000) the Ludovicus Conjecture, showing that positively exist an A value for each p, such that A | Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2000 | |
Puzzle 78, Chris Nash solution | Chris Nash has tackled the "hard cases" (ascending K=44 and descending 22 & 110) using PRIMEFORM and formulas from his own, finding a solution for the last one | Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2000 | |
Ludovicus Conjecture & Jud McCranie results | Jud McCranie has found several true minimal A's for 3 primes and an unknown A for the prime 151. See Conjecture 17. | Posted on Thursday, February 3, 2000 | |